Good Morning

Good morning from my studio in East Nashville. I hope everyone is doing well, now that we’ve had a bit of a break from the terrible heat. Strange to say “It feels so nice” at 85 degrees, but I’ll take it. Here’s Oliver. This sweet guy just passed away after a battle with cancer. He…

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The Tomato Festival Is Just Around the Corner

Good morning from my studio in East Nashville. It’s another miserably hot day; I don’t do well in this kind of heat. You’d think I’d be used to it, being a Nashville native, but, alas, not so. I hope all of you are staying safe. It’s just over three weeks to the Tomato Art Fest.For…

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Another Hot One

Good afternoon from my studio in East Nashville. Due to circumstances I won’t go into I’m late posting this. Brief weather comment: Stop! We’ve had enough heat! There; now I’ll wait for it to cool down. Right. This is Bronx, a memorial portrait I did for a sweet client. I’m told Bronx was a great…

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Another Hot One

Good afternoon from my studio in East Nashville. I did not get to post this morning due to a doctor’s appointment. Nothing serious; just took up quite a bit of time. I hope everyone is staying as cool as possible in this miserable weather. Hopefully it will break soon. Maybe we can get August over…

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I Hope There’s A Lot of Buzz About This One

Good morning from my studio in East Nashville. I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to be done with this blasted heat. It’s so unpleasant outside I hate to go anywhere, even in my air conditioned car. I feel so badly for those who have to work out in this heat. I sincerely hope…

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People, Who Paint People, Are the Luckiest People

Good morning from my studio in East Nashville. It’s a wonderful weather morning here. I hope it is where ever you might be. Today’s post is a little unusual: I got to paint the portrait of a person. I don’t get requests to do these very often, and always enjoy the opportunity to branch out…

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Here Comes the Rain Again

Good morning from my studio in East Nashville. It’s another rainy day. I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty done with all the rain. Of course, my emotional state over the weather is going to do absolutely nothing to change the weather. It’s good to be reminded occasionally just how little control we have…

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A Fine Morning

Good morning from my studio in East Nashville. I hope everyone had a nice Memorial Day holiday yesterday, while remembering the reason for the holiday. We should always be grateful for the men and women who gave all for our country. Here’s Tippi, another pet portrait recently completed. She has a sweet face. Of course,…

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A Great Morning in the Neighborhood

Good morning from my studio in East Nashville. I just got back from my bike ride in Shelby Bottoms. What a great morning. And a loud morning. The cicadas are really singing today. Here’s a portrait I finished a couple or weeks ago. This is Baby, and she’s as sweet as can be. That face…

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You Say Cicada, I Say Cicada

Good morning from my studio in East Nashville. Hope everyone is well. For a change of pace and a laugh or two, here’s Carl the Cicada. I actually did this one when Brood XIX emerged last time, but they haven’t changed in appearance since then. When I did this I had my studio/gallery at the…

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