New Works Coming

Good morning from my studio in East Nashville. I hope everyone is well this morning. I’m finally starting to get work done and out the door to my clients. That, frankly, makes me very happy. So over the next few weeks I’ll be able to post new work for you consideration. This is Mogbi, a…

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Good Morning

Good morning from my studio in East Nashville. I hope everyone is having a good day. Things have been stressful and difficult lately, for a number of reasons. I’m not going to go into details. I will remind you that if you want to capture your pet friends in a painting, the cut off for…

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A Good Morning to All

Good morning from my studio in East Nashville. I hope everyone is having a great day. My family health situation is ongoing, though improving. I’ve been able to get some work done, and have finished one portrait but cannot post it until after it is given as a gift. I’m always honored that a work…

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Back In Time

Good morning from my studio in East Nashville. Hope everyone is doing well. My extended family situation has stabilized somewhat, so I have been able to get back to work. None of the new items are finished yet, so I’m digging into the archives for a nice pet portrait. Hopefully, things will continue to improve…

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Back to Work

Good morning from my studio in East Nashville. I apologize for not posting anything the last couple of weeks. We had an ongoing critical health issue in my extended family, and I’ve been spending a good bit of time at the hospital. One thing for certain is that you never know what’s coming next. That’s…

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A Good Morning To You

Good morning from my studio in East Nashville. I hope everyone is well and having a great day. Seems like these days everything is in flux; sometimes that’s just the way it is. My motto these days is straight from the British: Keep Calm and Carry On. I was finally able to get a new…

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A Little Something Different

Good morning from my studio in East Nashville. I hope everyone is having a good morning. I usually talk about the weather a bit, but I fear that’s showing my age. Plus, the weather is so strange these days it’s hard to say something coherent. I’m working on three new pieces, but none are finished…

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Good Morning

Good morning from my studio in East Nashville. I hope everyone had a nice Labor Day holiday. The first recorded Labor Day celebration was in 1882 in New York City. President Grover Cleveland made it an official federal holiday in 1894. Ironically, Cleveland made it a national holiday after twelve strikers were killed when he…

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Another Hot One

Good morning from my studio in East Nashville. If you live in my area, you know that last week was a pretty pleasant break from the summer heat. And you know that today that heat is back. So I hope you all take every precaution against heat sickness. This kind of heat really is dangerous.…

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Good Morning

Good morning from my studio in East Nashville. Just got back from a lovely bike ride on the Shelby Bottoms greenway. For anyone who has not been on the greenway, it’s an eight mile out and back paved greenway, with the ability to add loops to increase distance. Also, if you’re really gung ho, you…

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