Wintertime Blues
Good morning from my studio in East Nashville. Hope everyone is well today. I was disappointed on Sunday: that rodent in Pennsylvania saw his own shadow. The great blues singer-songwriter John Hyatt has a song called “Wintertime Blues.” The song has a line that goes: “Puxatony Phil, if he sees his own shadow I’m shootin’ to kill.” Seems appropriate right about now.
Here’s Micio, a lovely cat. This was a Christmas present from a very nice lady to her son. I understand he was pleased with it. I used to claim I was a “dog person” and didn’t like cats; but I found that cat, the one who is so affectionate and sweet that I truly understand what cats can do for people.
Hope you enjoy the portrait. This is a good time of the year to commission one since it’s typically not as busy after Christmas. Reach out if I can help you. Thanks.