A Pug Is Just A Pug
It’s a lovely morning here at the studio in East Nashville. I know many of our neighbors have had mornings not so lovely, and our thoughts go out to them. I hope everyone reading this has come through our recent weather unscathed.I apologize for not posting last week. Turns out August 2021 will go down in my history as a bad month. Not to get too much information, but after my kidney stone issue, I thought everything was back to normal, and it was until I suffered another compression fracture in my spine. It sucks to be old. As a result of all that, I have not been able to work very much at all throughout the last month. Hopefully I can get this issue resolved soon.Here’s Zelda, an adorable pug I did sometime back. I’m still taking commissions, although there may be a longer than usual turnaround time. Let me know if I can help you. In the meantime, enjoy and stay well.