Thanksgiving Is Upon Us
It may seem strange to have a “Thanksgiving” this year. We are beset with a global pandemic. Our way of life has been turned upside down and backwards. So many things feel “abnormal.” At the same time, we are continuing, we are still here and moving forward. One of two things will happen: we will find a vaccine and end the pandemic; or, we will acclimate to the new reality and things will again start to feel “normal.”
So we should be thankful for what we do have, for the dedicated people who are working to make things better, and for the loved ones we have.
I am very thankful for the many orders I’ve had this year for paintings, including a couple of landscapes, as well as about a dozen pet portraits. I truly thank everyone who has ordered, and am working daily to get them all finished for Christmas. The deadline for orders is this Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, so if you are contemplating an order, now is the time.
Since the ones I’m working on are presents, I’ll add an oldie but goodie to today’s post. Again, my sincere thanks to all, and to all a Happy Thanksgiving! Stay safe!