Historic House Portrait
Good morning from East Nashville. It’s a bright, sunny morning here. The trees are all budding, though the air is crisp. It certainly feels like spring is here. I hope that same feeling applies wherever you may be, and that it makes you happy.This house portrait has been posted by my client before, but I have not put it on my page either. This house is in Old Hickory Village, a neighborhood that dates back to the early 1900’s when DuPont built a plant on Old Hickory lake to make munitions for World War I. The company built the neighborhood for workers to live in. The houses are now wonderful historic homes, and the neighborhood takes great pride in the homes and area. I was delighted to do a painting of this beautiful house to preserve it forever. Also, I got to add a dog, so that was fun.Thanks for looking. I’m always available for house portraits, so let me know if you would like one. As always, stay safe and well.