A Sweet Gift
Good morning from my studio in East Nashville. I hope everyone is having a great day, and has recovered from the CMA Festival. The event has become so huge it’s amazing. As a Nashville native, I remember it’s humble start as “Fan Fair” 50 years ago. It certainly has changed.
Here’s this week’s pet portrait. This is Annie. This is a memorial, with a somewhat familiar story. Annie’s human’s co-workers got together and commissioned this portrait to give him. I’ve had that situation occur a few times before, and it’s so wonderful to see the love and community of the groups that do this for a grieving pet person. I feel it’s just such an intimate thing to do for someone hurting from the loss.
Also, to the best of my recollection, this is the first time I’ve done a portrait of a pet on her back on the floor like this. It was an interesting change of pace for me. And, of course, being able to help preserve memories is always fulfilling for me.
Thanks for looking. Hope you have a great week, stay safe and well.